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The Piedmont Historical Society
Church Records - Congregation B’nai Israel, Spartanburg, SC.

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Congregation B’nai Israel, Spartanburg, SC.  PDF File   HTML File

Holly Springs Baptist Church Principles and Members  PDF File   HTML File

Unity Baptist Church Minutes  PDF File   HTML File


B’nai Israel, Spartanburg, SC.


Compiled by Joey Gainey for Marsha Poliakoff’s research on Congregation B’nai Israel, Spartanburg, SC.

Family specific materials are listed alphabetically at the end of the chronology.



Feb. 4 (Wed.)

The Carolina Spartan


Married in Richmond, Va., Wednesday the 21st of January, 1880, by Rev. Dr. Harris, Mr. Isaac Iseman, of Spartanburg, and Miss Hannah Sycle, of Richmond.


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July 9 (Wed.)

The Carolina Spartan

A--Mr. Jacob Greenewald died at Cherokee Springs last Friday night. He came over from Wilmington some time ago in bad health, thinking that he would be benefitted here. Growing worse he went to Cherokee [Springs] where he quietly passed away. His body was carried to Wilmington for burial.


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July 22 (Wed.)

The Carolina Spartan

Mr. I. C. Iseman, a brother of Mr. S. Iseman and Mrs. D. Kahn, and formerly of this place, died in Richmond last Friday, leaving a wife and five children.


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July 18 (Fri.)

The Free Lance, p. 1, col. 5

 A Woman Doctor has Located Here.

Dr. L. Rosa Hirschmann of Charleston has arrived in the city and will locate here permanently. She is a graduate of the South Carolina Medical College and has made specialty of diseases of the eye, nose and throat. Dr. Hirschmann has not yet had time to secure an office but will do so immediately and begin the practice of her profession.


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Mar. 17 (Fri.)

The Free Lance, p. 1, col. 1

 R. J. Gantt Weds Dr. Rosa Hirschman.

Robert J. Gantt and Dr. Rosa Hirschman were married this afternoon at 2:30 o’clock at the residence of Dr. H. Baer on Fairview avenue. H. E. Ravenel, Esq., performed the ceremony. Immediately after the wedding Mr. and Mrs. Gantt left for Atlanta and New Orleans.

The bride is a popular young woman and is a general favorite in this city. For the past several months she has been at the head of the hospital at Winthrop College at Rock Hill. Mr. Gantt is a prominent lawyer of this city nad has a large number of friends here and elsewhere.



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Aug. 23

The Progress (Union, S. C.), p. 7, cols. 1-2


 Made Here in Union Just 44 Years Ago--Original Was Written in Hebrew.

In looking over old papers in his father’s safe a few days ago, Mr. Lambert W. Jones came across some of special interest, says the Newberry Observer.

Perhaps the most interesting of these old papers is a marriage contract made in 1861. Following is a copy:

Translation and duplicate of the Contract of Marriage made between Abraham Harris and Miss Frederica Koppel, the original of which is in Hebrew:

On the Third day of the week the Seventh day of the month of Elul Anno Mundi Five Thousand Six Hundred and twenty[-]one, corresponding with the Eighty Sixth year of the Independence of South Carolina as we reckon in the village of Unionville, South Carolina, Mr. Abraham son [of] Michael Harris asked Miss Frederica daughter of Jacob Koppel to become his wife according to the law of Moses and Israel; that he would respect, esteem, support and provide for her agreeably to the customs usually practiced by the Jews, who truly and faithfully respect, esteem, support and provide for their wives, and that he would willingly allow her the Virgin dowry of Two Hundred silver Zusim to which she is entitled by the Jewish law. And further more that he would maintain, support and provide her with all things necessary and live with her a conjugal life according to the customs of the world. Now the said Miss Frederica, having agreed to become his wife, brought to him her portion in silver and gold, in wearing apparel, ornamental dresses, beddings and furniture to the amount of Five Hundred Dollars, to which sum the aforesaid Bridegroom voluntarilly added the sum of Four Thousand Dollars current Money of this village, binding himself, his heirs and assignees from this day and forever to pay to the said Bride or her heirs the aforesaid portion and the sum added, with the most exquisite property, whether real or personal estate, which he posses(sic.) under the canopy of Heaven or should hereafter acquire. And lastly doth the aforesaid Bridegroom pledge himself to perform and execute in the most ample manner every condition specified in this Contract agreeably to the written contracts which are established and in force by ordinance of our ancient sages without any reservation whatever.

And we the undersigned Evidences received from the aforesaid Bridegroom, Mr. Abraham son of Michael Harris a formal declaration and acknowledgement that he delivered this Contract of Marriage for the sole use and benefit of the aforesaid Bride Miss Frederica daughter of Jacob Koppel and doth hereby confirm all the foregoing conditions and stipulations.

The whole is hereby approved, satisfied and established.


 Abraham Harris.

Witness:          Witness:

Gabriel Schwartz.          S. Cohen.

 P. S. Jacobs.

 Acting Minister.

It is hereby certified that the foregoing is a correct translation of [a] Marriage Contract between Mr. Abraham Harris and Miss Frederica Koppel, the first a resident of Newberry, S.C., and the latter of Unionville, S. C., the original of which is written in Hebrew. The above parties I solemnly declare to have united in the Holy bond of Matrimony on Tuesday the 7th day of the month Elul Anno Mundi 5621 corresponding with the 13th day of August in the Eighty-Sixth year of the Independence of South Carolina.

P. S. Jacobs,

Acting Minister.

The State of South Carolina,

Newberry District,

Personally appeared before me Samuel Cohen and Made oath that he saw Abraham Harris sign the within Instrument and deliver the same for the uses and purposes therein mentioned; and that he with Gabriel Schwartz in the presence of each other witnessed the due execution of the same.

Sworn to before me 5 Oct. 1861

Burr J. Ramage, Clerk.

S. Cohen.

Registers Office,

Newberry District.

I certify the within Marriage Contract is duly Recorded in Deed Book (I. I.) At pages 460 and 461. Oct. 5th, 1861.

Burr J. Ramage,

Reg. M. C.


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Oct. 27 (Fri.)

The Spartanburg Herald, p. 6, col. 4 (The microfilm is faded & hard to read.)


Rabbi S. [Samuel] Cohen died at his home, 190 West Henry street, last night, after a few weeks’ illness. The remains will be sent to Atlanta this morning on train No. ? which leaves the city at 7 o’clock. Interment will take place in that city where Mr. Cohen lived for eight years.

Mr. Cohen was 52[?] years of age and is survived by his wife and seven childrens as follows: Joan Cohen and Mrs. Chas. Doctor, of Atlanta, Ga.; Mrs. J. Backer, of Macon, Ga.; Misses Belle and Josephine Cohen, of this city, and Barney and Philip Cohen, also of this city.

Messrs. Isidore, Isaac and B. M. Cohen, brothers of the deceased, who live in Bluefield, W. Va., were in Spartanburg at the time of his death and will accompany the remains to Atlanta.

division, and all who can get camp leave tomorrow night are cordially invited to attend.


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July 7

Marriage License Book AD, page 609, License #7076, Spartanburg Co. Probate Court

Rabbi Isaiah Sobell married Benjamin Rothstein of 306 E. 84th St., AN. Y. City, aged 23 years, 3 months, and Reina Springer of 333 E. 84th St., NY, NY, aged A21(7/20/18) years, on 7 July at Spartanburg. Both were white and American citizens. The license was issued on 6 July 1918.


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July 8

Marriage License Book AD, page 608, License #7083, Spartanburg Co. Probate Court

ARev. Isaiah Sobell married Jerome Semon(sic.) Phillips of 964 Kelly St., AN. Y. City, aged 25 years, 11 months, and Lola Kirshbaum of 212 W. 111th St., NY, NY, aged 21 years, 3 months, on 8 July 1918 at Spartanburg. Both were white and American citizens. The license was issued on 8 July 1918.



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Oct. 30 (Wed.)

The Progress, p. 8, col. 4 (Union, SC)


Mrs. N. Shapiro, wife of a well known merchant and Elk of this city, passed away at her home here Monday afternoon following an attack of influenza which Friday developed into pneumonia.

Mrs. Shapiro was before her marriage Miss Edith Berlin of Baltimore. She was born in Craiova [or Cralova], Roumania 39 years ago, and came to America when twelve years old.

From the very outset of her illness, Mrs. Shapiro feared the worst, and seemed to have no hope of her recovery.

The remains were taken to Baltimore yesterday afternoon for interment beside her mother. Mrs. Shapiro is survived by her husband, Louis, her bright little two year old son, and five sisters, one of whom lives in Mississippi and one in Virginia. The first born son, Morris, died in Jan. 1917, and was laid to rest in Columbia.

Mrs. Shapiro was a young woman of very pleasant personality, was very highly esteemed by all who knew her, and her death is deeply regretted by a large circle of friends and acquaintances.


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Aug. 13 (Wed.)

The Spartanburg Herald, p. 8, col. 1


 Local Merchant Who Died In Baltimore Will Be Buried at Wilmington.

David Greenwald(sic.), senior member of the firm of M. Greenwald(sic.), one of the largest department stores in the city, who died yesterday morning at 6:30 o’clock at a hospital in Baltimore, will be buried today at Wilmington, N. C., where his mother and father are buried. The funeral will be held in Wilmington. The store was closed yesterday and will remain closed today. Members of the family not already at his bedside left yesterday for Wilmington to attend the funeral.

 Health Declines.

Mr. Greenwald’s(sic.) health began to decline the early part of this year, and he continued to grow worse until he felt a few days ago that it was necessary to take treatment in a hospital. He went to Baltimore but after his arrival there it was seen that little could be done for him, and he continued to fail until the end came. Members of the family were informed that his condition was more serious and several of his nearest relatives hastened to his bedside and were present when the end came. His mind was clear to the last, advices from his bedside state.

Born in Americus, Ga., in 1858, the son of Bernard and Bertha Greenewald, he spent his early years in the Georgia city, and as a slender young man of 27 years he came to Spartanburg 33 years ago, and, with his younger brothers, opened a clothing store, where Biber’s jewelry store is now located. This store of the village was destined to become one of the model merchantile establishments of the city of Spartanburg and in making his career as a merchant. David Greenewald achieved a distinct chapter in Spartanburg’s history and his life work added dignity to the title AMerchant. He was in all things square and upright; he was beloved of those from whom he purchased goods of those to whom he sold and of his employees.

 Occupied Prominent Place.

David Greenewald’s loss will be felt in every channel of Spartanburg’s life, for he was a liberal and enthusiastic supporter of all those enterprises that have been a part of the building of a better city. He was a director of the Chamber of Commerce and of the Music Festival association and was a member of the local lodge of Elks.

Mr. Greenewald’s brother, Moses Greenewald, and his sister, Miss Hannah Greenewald, and two daughters, Mrs. Marshall G. Peck and Mrs. James W. Cobb, and Mr. Cobb were in Baltimore with him at the end. His sister was with him throughout.

Surviving are one sister, Miss Hannah Greenewald; three brothers, Isaac H., Moses and Max [Greenewald], and two daughters Mrs. Marshall G. Peck, of Anniston, Ala., and Mrs. James W. Cobb, of Spartanburg.

Yesterday afternoon at a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Chamber of Commerce, the following resolutions were passed:

 Pass Resolutions.

Whereas, an all-wise Providence has seen fit to remove from our midst David Greenewald, a citizen of Spartanburg and a member of the Board of Directors of the Spartanburg Chamber of Commerce,

Now Therefore Be It Resolved, that Spartanburg has lost an esteemed citizen who ever worked for the progress of the city, and the Board of Directors of the Chamber of Commerce a valued member, and

Resolved, that this body express the sympathy of its members for the family of the deceased in their bereavement, and

Resolved, further, that a copy of these resolutions be sent to the press and to the family of the deceased.

Board of Directors Spartanburg Chamber of Commerce

In addition to passing the resolutions the Chamber of Commerce sent a telegram to the Wilmington Chamber of Commerce directing that that body order a wreathe(sic.) of flowers and send [it] to the grave for the local Chamber.


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Oct. 18 (Wed.)

The Journal and the Carolina Spartan, p. 3, col. 1

 Levin-Rosen Wedding.

Miss Rose Levin was married to Mr. Louis Rosen at 8:30 o’clock last evening at the home of the bride’s mother, Mrs. Abraham Levin, on South Church street.

Miss Bessie Levin, sister of the bride, was maid of honor and wore a gown of black Spanish lace and carried a bouquet of pink roses showered with valley lilies. Mr. E. Ackerman, of New York, was best man, and Rabbi Karesh, of Columbia, performed the ceremony.

The bride was given in marriage by her brother, Mr. David Levin. She wore black velvet with beaded chiffon trimming, and her bridal bouquett was of bride’s roses showered with valley lilies. She wore a black panne velvet picture hat.

An informal reception at the home followed the wedding. Mr. and Mrs. Rosen left on a late train for a wedding trip to New York. The bride’s traveling suit was black Poiret twill with gray toque boots.

Mr. Rosen was formerly of Macon, Ga., b[u]t will make this his future home, having entered business here.

The guests from a distance were: Mrs. Bell Rosen, mother of the groom, and Miss Miriam Rosen, both of Macon, Ga.; Mrs. Ben Green, of Richmond, Va.; Miss Anna Green, of Columbia; Messrs. Harry Doetor(sic.), William London, of High Point, N. C.; Misses Tena and Hilda Lebo, Mr. Sydney Levin, Messrs. Maurice Honigman and David Lebo, of Gastonia, N. C.; Miss Della Pollock, of Asheville; Misses Anna and Minna Bloom, Lillie Kantor, Messrs. Louis Bloom and Harry Goldstein, all of Greenville; and Mr. I. Horowitz, of Savannah, Ga.


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Mar. 29 (Sat.)

The Spartanburg Herald, p. 3, col. 5


 Former Spartanburg Merchant Takes Own Life.


 Funeral Arrangements Not Yet Announced.

Friends of Jacob Cohen, formerly connected with Greenewald’s Inc., local mercantile firm and also a business man of Union, where he conducted a clothing store, were shocked to learn yesterday that he had taken his own life in a Philadelphia Hospital(sic.) Thursday night, by shooting himself. Mr. Cohen was at the hospital for the treatment of a nervous disease.

Funeral arrangements had not been announced last night.

Mr. Cohen became a member of the Greenewald firm in 1921, and retained his interest until [the] close of 1922, when he sold out his interest and devoted his time to his business in Union. While a resident of Spartanburg, Mr. Cohen was prominent in civic matters, taking an active part for many of the city-wide campaigns that were staged here.

The following sketch of Mr. Cohen’s life was received by The Herald from its correspondent in Union:

Mr. Cohen came to Union in 1897, and by his industry and business capability, built up a very large gents’ furnishing and clothing business which is now being conducted under the name of J. Cohen Company. He was also interested in other concerns here, among them being Nicholson Bank and Trust Company, where he was a director.

In all civic, progressive and patriotic movements Mr. Cohen had, for a long time, been a leader and large contributor, and thought several years age he financially became interested in a large concern in Spartanburg, he retained his business interests and other interests in Union, and when he closed out his interest in Spartanburg, spent most of his time here except when he had to be in hospitals, for during the past two years his health has been very bad.

Mr. Cohen was born in Willua, Russia, his parents being Nathan G. and Mrs. Lelia Gredman Cohen, both of Russia. At the age of 5 years, Mr. Cohen entered a Jewish seminary for his religious training, but later abandoned the idea of becoming a Rabbi in order to take up business to which he has always been particularly adapted and succesful. When a young man he was engaged in the cigarette and cigar manufacturing trade, but after coming to America, embarked in the mercantile business locating in Union in 1897.

In 1900, Mr. Cohen was married to Miss Jennie Emanuel, of Baltimore who with the following children survive him: Miss Ruth Cohen, a special student of music in Baltimore, Misses Blanche and Fannie Cohen, students at Winthrop College, Misses Estelle and Judith Cohen and Master Elbert Cohen, of Spartanburg.

Mr. Cohen was a great reader, a deep thinker, and man of a vast fund of knowledge, being regarded in many respects as one of the best posted men in Union. His death by removing him from his sphere of useful and helpful influence in all that looked to the upbuilding of this community, has caused wide spread sorrow and regret.

Funeral arrangements have not been announced.


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May 19 (Wed.)

The Spartanburg Journal, p. 4, col. 1


News of the passing of Moses Greenewald in a Philadelphia hospital this morning will be received with genuine sorrow and regret throughout the city and county, where he was so well and favorably known. He had been in failing health for a long time, and a month or more went to Philadelphia for treatment.

Moses Greenewald was the head of Greenewald’s, succeeding his brother, the late David Greenewald, when the latter died a decade ago. [Actually only 7 years; in 1919.] About forty years ago the Greenewald brothers came to Spartanburg and established a clothing business for men. Continuously since that time they have successfully enlarged and expanded that business, until it is known as one of the best established of its kind in upper Carolina.

Moses Greenewald represented the high type business man who has contributed to his town and generation. He was a man of integrity, broad-mindedness and liberality, and for any object that had had the public good and advancement in mind he was always in [the] front ranks championing it. His progressiveness, liberal-minded nature and unselfish contribution to his city’s growth for years has been commented on and appreciated by his fellow-townsmen. He was the first fire chief of this city, serving along with his colunteer force without compensation. By nature he was modest and self-effacing, but his sterling worth and sound character were acknowledged and admired by all. He will be sadly missed from hte(sic.) ranks of those who are building a greater city here.


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Oct. 27 (Sat.)

The Spartanburg Herald, p. 14, col. 5


 Local Merchant Succumbs After Three Months’ Illness.

B. Hecklin died at his home, 246 Park avenue, yesterday morning following an illness of three months. Mr. Hecklin is well known in this city having been connected with the shoe business here for the last 21 years.

The body will be sent to Columbia at 9:40 o’clock Sunday morning for funeral services and interment.

He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Annie Hecklin, and the following children: Dave Hecklin of Cleveland, Tenn.; L. A. Hecklin and Misses Sarah, Rosa and Jennie Hecklin of the city, and Mrs. Eddie Shone of Philadelphia, Pa. One brother, Sam Hecklin of the city, and three sisters, Mrs. J. Lurey and Mrs. Goldstein of Greenville, and Mrs. William Sklut of Providence, R. I.


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Jan. 7 (Mon.)

The Spartanburg Herald, p. 5, col. 4


Joseph Mann, 83, a business man of Newberry for 50 years, died at 10:10 o’clock last night at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Harry Price, on North Converse street. He had resided in Spartanburg for seven years.

Brief funeral services will be conducted at Floyd’s Mortuary on North Church street at 9:30 Tuesday morning, after which the body will be moved to Columbia for burial.

Mr. Mann is survived by his widow, Amelia Mann, and the following daughters, Mrs. Price, Mrs. A. H. Summerfield of Baltimore, Mrs. Clarence LeWold of Dallas and Mrs. Selma Blaustein of Hopewell, Va.


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Feb. 29 (Mon.)

Spartanburg Herald, p. 8, cols 3 & 4.


Funeral services for Doris Meyerson, 6-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Meyerson, who died of bronchial pneumonia on Saturday morning, were conducted at the residence of her parents, 362 Mills Avenue, at noon yesterday.

Interment followed in West Hill cemetery at Asheville.

The active pallbearers were: S. Cohen, Joe Spigel, A. M. Spigel, Harry Price, George Mann, S. Shapiro, S. Hecklin, Max Cohen, J. Goldstein, and A. H. Morris.

Honorary pallbearers were: Dr. Jesse O. Willson, Dr. E. W. Shepherd, Dr. C. W. Bailey, Dr. Harry Heintish, Jr., and Dr. J. T. Carter.

The little girl is survived by her parents.


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Oct. 23 (Tues.)

The Spartanburg Herald, p. 3, col. 3


Phillip Gelman, 62, died at the home of his sister, Mrs. Annie Hecklin, 246 Park Avenue, Monday afternoon after a brief illness. Mr. Gelman is survived by his wife and three children.

The body will be taken to Columbia Tuesday for services and interment.


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Mar. 1 (Fri.)

The Union Daily Times, p. 1 and p. 3


I. Fromm, age [illegible on microfilm], one of Union’s leading merchants, died at his home on South Street about 10:30 last night after a short illness.

Mr. Fromm was a native of Lithuania, which joins Germany and Poland. Surviving him, besides his wife, are his mother, of Worcester, Mass., two sons, Ellis and Harry Fromm of Union; four daughters, Mrs. Louis Reimer, of Woodruff, and Misses Mary and Sarah From of Union and Miss Rosa From of Agnes Scott; four brothers, Joe, Harvey and Daniel From of Worcester, Mass., and S. From of Union; one sister, Mrs. Brunell of Worcester, Mass., and one grandchild.

Mr. From came to Union 30 years ago. Both he and his wife were natives of the same village and in early childhood lived there. After he came to America[,] she joined him and they were married.

Mr. From was an indefatigable worker, and his success in business was largely the result. He was honest and trustworthy in his financial relations and was every(sic.) ready to give of his substance to those in need. He was a true friend, a kind husband and father, a worthy citizen and a good neihgbor. His sudden death shocked the community and brought sorrow to loved ones and friends.

The Times editor feels that he has lost a true and worthy friend and the county one of its best citizens in the passing of I. From.

The funeral cortege left Union at 10 o’clock this morning for Charlotte, N. C., and the burial was held at 3 o’clock this afternoon.

Bailey Und. Co. was in charge of the arrangements.

[NOTE: This article includes a photograph of Mr. Fromm.]


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Nov. 18 (Mon.)

The Spartanburg Herald, p. 8, col. 3


 Funeral Planned at Temple B’nai Israel at 4 p.m.

Funeral services for Dr. L. Rosa Hirschmann Gantt, prominent physician of Spartanburg who died Saturday at a hospital in Philadelphia, will be held this afternoon at 4 o’clock at the Temple B’nai Israel, conducted by Rabbi Jacob S. Raisin of Temple Beth Elochim, Charleston, the oldest reform temple in the United States. Interment will follow in Oakwood cemetery.

Active pallbearers will be L. A. Meyerson, Harry Price, S. Shapiro, Abe Smith, Max Marks and A. H. Morris.

The body, which arrived in Spartanburg yesterday afternoon, will lie in state at the J. F. Floyd mortuary until the hour of the service.

Dr. Gantt, a practicing physician in Spartanburg for 35 years, had been taken to Philadelphia for treatment several weeks ago, and apparently was improving when suddenly stricken.

She was born in Charleston and was the first woman graduate of the Medical College of South Carolina.

After graduation she moved to Spartanburg to specialize in her profession as an eye, ear and throat specialist.

She was married to Colonel Robert J. Gantt in 1903.

Her works and efforts contributed greatly to the building of the General hospital(sic.), she promoted the establishment of the Girls’ Reform school in Columbia and served on the State Board of Welfare.

She was active during the World war(sic.) and in charge of recreational activities at Camp Wadsworth.

She was a life member of the Medical Women’s National association(sic.) and a former president of the Medical Women’s association.

Besides her husband, she is survived by two sisters, Miss Cecile Hirschmann of New York City and Mrs. Samuel Wineberg of Sumter.


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May 8 (Sat.)

The Spartanburg Herald, p. 14, col. 3


 Price and Spigel Rites Are Held in City; Burial in Columbia

Funeral services for teo prominent Jewish citizens of Spartanburg, who died within a few hours of each other Thursday night, were conducted yesterday morning.

Final rites for Harry Price, 63, clothing merchant, who died unexpectedly at his home on North Converse street were held at 11 o’clock at the home with Rabbi Klein of Greenville officiating. Burial was in Columbia.

Services for Joseph Spigel, 67, former jeweler and real estate man, were held at 10 o’clock at the M. W. Bobo funeral chapel. Rabbi Klein officiating and burial was in Columbia.

Mr. Spigel died shortly after hearing of the death Thursday night of Mr. Price, who was a close friend. He had been ill for several days.

For more than two score years Mr. Price was engaged in the merchantile business here. He came to Spartanburg from New York City 45 years ago.

Survivng are his widow, Mrs. Dora Mann Price; two sons, William and Robert Price, and a daughter, Miss Ann Price, all of Spartanburg; two brothers, Isadore Price of New York and William Price of Trenton, N. J.

Mr. Price was one of the founders of B’Nai Isreal temple and formerly president of the congregation of the temple.

Mr. Spigel, a native of Poland, moved here with his brother from Greenwood in 1904 and entered business. The brothers operated the Spigel Brothers’ Jewelry store on West Main street until 1926 when they retired. He was formerly president of the B’Nai Israel temple congregation, a Mason and a member of the Woodmen of the World.

Mr. Spigel is survived by a brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. David Spigel, with whom he made his home at 472 East Main street. A niece, a nephew and a great-niece also survive.

[Note: Harry Price’s remains were later reinterred in Greenlawn Memorial Gardens, Spartanburg, SC.]


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Mar. 17 (Sun.)

The Greenville News, Sec. 1, p. 7, col. 2

 Mrs. Gussie Hecklin

SPARTANBURG, Mar. 16--Funeral Services were conducted in the Jewish cemetery at Columbia Thursday afternoon for Mrs. Gussie Hecklin, 63, wife of Sam Hacklin of Spartanburg.

Rites were conducted at 5 o’clock by Rabbi Karesh of Columbia.

Mrs. Hecklin was well known in Spartanburg where she had made her home for the past 37 years. She was a native of Russia but moved to this country 45 years ago.

Survivors include her husband; three daughters, Mrs. Smiley and Misses Sarah and Alice Hecklin, all of Spartanburg; and a son, Simon Hecklin, also of Spartanburg, and a sister, Mrs. Mary Widetsky of Chelsea, Mass.


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July 18 (Sat.)

The Spartanburg Herald, p. 2, col. 4


 Well-Known Business Man of City Dies at Durham, N. C., Hospital

Funeral services for Max Cohen, well-known Spartanburg business man who died yester- day morning in Duke university(sic.) Hospital at Durham, N. C., following a brief illness, will be conducted at the J. F. Floyd mortuary chapel at 9 o’clock Sunday morning. Interment will be in the Mt. Sinai cemetery, Asheville, N. C.

Chaplain David M. Eichhorn of Camp Croft will officiate. Further arrangements will be announced.

Mr. Cohen, a native of New York City, had lived in Spartanburg for 30 years.

He had mercantile business interests in Tifton, Ga., but retained his home in Spartanburg, on Twin Drive.

He was a member of B’Nai Israel,(sic.) Jewish synagogue, and was past president of the congregation. He was also a 32nd degree Scottish Rite Mason.

Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Fannie Cohen, of Spartanburg; and the following children-- Jack Cohen, of Spartanburg; Elias and Louis Cohen, both of Tifton, Ga. and Harold Cohen of Ft. Knox, Ky.; Miss Lottie Cohen, of New York and Mrs. Sam Kivat, of New York.


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Aug. 2 (Sun.)

The Spartanburg-Herald Journal, sec. 1, p. 2, col. 6


Union, Aug. 1.___Nathan Shapiro, 70, retired Union merchant, died early today at his home, 69 South street, following an illness of 10 weeks.

Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Rhea Kohner Shapiro; and two sons, Robert Shapiro of Union and Louis Shapiro of Baltimore, Md.

Funeral services will be conducted at 6 o’clock Sunday afternoon at the graveside in Hebron church cemetery by the Rev. Bob S. Hodges.

Pallbearers will be T. A. Murray, Jr., T. S. Adams, Kemper Morgan, Dr. Lewis Perrin, J. S. Betenbaugh and T. J. Glenn.

The family has requested that no flowers be sent. The body will remain at the Edgar funeral home in Union.


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Aug. 20 (Sun.)

The Spartanburg Herald-Journal, p. 2, col. 6


Mrs. Sarah Simmons, formerly of Spartanburg and Atlanta but more recently a resident of Nashville, Tenn., died at 7:10 o’clock Friday morning at her summer home in Saluda, N. C. following an illness of one month.

In recent years, Mrs. Simmons had been making her home with a daughter, Mrs. Minna Simmons Reitier of Nashville.

She was a native of Great Falls, N. H., and was a member of the Vine Street Temple of Nashville.

Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. Jeanette Simmons Morris of Spartanburg and Mrs. Reitier of Nashville; a son Henry C. Simmons of Nashville; and a sister, Mrs. Sol Lewy(sic.) of New York City.

The body was to be placed on the 1:15 a.m. train for Atlanta, where funeral services will be conducted at 3:30 o’clock this afternoon at the Sam R. Greenberg and Co.,(sic.) funeral chapel. Burial will be in Crest Lawn cemetery, Atlanta.


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Aug. 2 (Fri.)

The Spartanburg Herald, p. 1, col. 4

 Spartan Dies in Asheville

 Mrs. Skalowski Is Taken By Death

Mrs. Birdie E. Skalowski, wife of Rudy Skalowski, well-known Spartanburg business and real estate man, died at 5:15 yesterday afternoon in a hospital at Asheville. She had been a patient at the Spartanburg General Hospital for several days before her transfer to the Asheville institution last Tuesday.

Her husband and her daughter, Mrs. M. B. Shanberg of Hendersonville, were with her at the time of her death.

Mrs. Skalowski was a member of a family well known in Spartanburg for many years. For a long period of time, her husband was engaged in the jewelry business here; later, he retired from that business to devote his time to real estate and investment interests.

SURVIVORS INCLUDE her husband and daughter; a granddaughter, Miss Beverly Marks; and 3 sisters, Mrs. Sol Isaacs of Goldsboro, N. C., Mrs. Gertrude King of New Bern, N. C. and Mrs. Sim Rosenfeld of New York.

Funeral services will be conducted Sunday in Goldsboro.

Further arrangements will be announced.


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9 June (Sun.)

The Spartanburg Herald, p. A-7, col. 3    <CHECK PPR NAME>

 Samuel Shapiro

Funeral services for Samuel Shapiro who died at his home, 181 Victoria Road, Friday will be held at the J. F. Floyd Mortuary, this afternoon at 1:15, conducted by Rabbi Samuel Wrubel. Interment will be in the Mt. Sinai Cemetery at Asheville.

Mr. Shapiro was born in Lithuania and has lived in Spartanburg for 32 years. He was the founder of the Globe Textile store and the Globe Textile Company.

He was a member of the Temple B’nai Israel, Masonic Lodge and was a Shriner.

He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Samuel Shapiro:(sic.) 3 sons, Sydney and Herbert Shapiro of Spartanburg and Dr. Eugene Shapiro of Asheville; 2 brothers, Louis Shapiro of Brooklyn, Ruben Shapiro of New York City, and one sister, Mrs. S. Goldstein of Lunn, Mass.

The J. F. Floyd Mortuary is in charge of arrangements.


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Aug. 7

Estate File 14838, Spartanburg County, S. C. Probate Court

David M. Spigel made his Last Will and Testament. In addition to bequests to his family, Mr. Spigel left the following charitable bequests (the complete text of each item has been given here):

4. I give and bequest to the Spartanburg Childrens Hospital, Rev. W. H. K. Pendleton, President, $150.00 for my brother, Joel Spigel, who died May 6th, 1937, and $150.00 for myself. This bequest of $300.00 shall be acknowledged by the Governing Board of the institution as a memorial to the Spigel Brothers (Joel Spigel and David M. Spigel) and appropriate record thereof [shall be] entered in the permanent records of the institution. This bequest shall be consummated by my executrix six months after my death.

5. I give to the Leo N. Levy Memorial Hospital of Hot Springs, Ark., $100.00 as a memorial to my brother Joel Spigel, who died May 6th, 1937, on condition that his name be inscribed on the memorial table in the hospital, and KADDISH be recited in his memory in the chapel of the hospital on each recurring YAHRZEIT; I also give to the Leo N. Levy Memorial Hospital of Hot Springs, Ark., $100.00, on condition that my name, David M. Spigel, be inscribed on the memorial tablet of the hospital and KADDISH be recited in my memory in the chapel of the hospital on each recurring YAHRZEIT whenever that may be.

A ward in the Leo N. Levy Memorial Hospital at Hot Springs, Ark., has heretofore been furnished as a memorial to my brother, Joel Spigel, late of Spartanburg, South Carolina, who died on May 6th, 1937. This memorial is now identified by a plat(sic.) on the main door of the ward. I now donate and bequeath to the Trustees of the Leo N. Levy Memorial Hospital at Hot Springs, Ark., the sum of Three Thousand ($3000.00) Dollars in trust, and upon conditions and for the purposes as follows:

Of this amount $500.00 shall be used by the Trustees for hospitalization of patients, who are not able to pay for the same, and $2500.00 shall be deposited in the United States Postal Savings Department under a deposit arrangement that interest shall accrue and be payable on the 6th day of May each year. Thereafter on the 6th day of May of each year for 25 years, there shall be withdrawn from this Postal Savings Department all accrued interest and $100.00 of the principal to be used for hospitalization of patients who are not able to pay for the same.

The Trustees shall place another bronze plate under the plate now on the door of the Joel Spigel ward and corresponding thereto in shape, size and lettering, with an appropriate inscription showing [the] additional donation of Three Thousand ($3000.00) Dollars to the memory of Joel Spigel of Spartanburg, South Carolina. As soon as the bronze plate above referred to has been installed, new photographs showing both plates and also the inside of the ward shall be made and transmitted to my wife, Daisy M. Spigel, for her approval. The memorial and the manner of administering this fund shall at all times be subject to [the] examination, inspection and approval of my wife, Daisy M. Spigel, and she shall determine whether the funds are being administered according to [the] instructions contained in this Will. As soon after the publication of this Will as convenient, my executrix shall cause to be transmitted to the Executive Secretary of the hospital, Miss Regina H. Kaplan, a copy of the provision in this Will for the hospital, and the Governing Board of the hospital shall by appropriate resolution notify her that all the provisions, conditions and purposes of these bequests for the hospital will be carried out. This bequest shall be consummated six months after my death.

6. I give and bequeath to the Crippled Children Society, South Carolina, Incorporated (Samuel R. Shillman, Executive Secretary of Sumter, S. C.) the sum of $200.00. This gift is made as a memorial to my brother, Joel Spigel, who died May 6th, 1937, and shall be acknowledged by the Governing Board of [the] said Society as such, and an appropriate record thereof entered in the permanent records of the said Society. This bequest shall be consulated by my executrix six months after my death.

7. I give and bequeath to the Spartanburg Jewish Synagogue, B’Nai Israel, the sum of Four Thousand ($4000.00) Dollars to provide for the following improvements to the building:

The inside woodwork to be revarnished, the walls and ceiling to be redecorated and painted with oil paint to be a lasting job, and an entirely new pulpit with fancy table where the preacher(sic.!) stands, revision of the Ten Commandments, and an entirely new Ark of the Covenant where the Torah, the Law of God, is kept. All the work is to be done by expert workmen trained in that type of work. The work on the pulpit and on the Ark of the Covenant shall have the general effect indicated on the sketches I attach hereto, or new sketches to be made by an architect. The two silver seven light candlesticks heretofore donated to the Synagogue shall be mounted one on each side of the pulpit in such a way as to render them permanently stationary. On the same pulpit wall a bronze plate shall be installed in a prominent place not less than 18x30 inches in size inscribed in large English block letters: AIn memory of Joel Spigel, who died May 6th, 1937, and David M. Spigel, who died (to be filled in with the factual date).[] It would be the duty of the preacher(sic.) in charge, and the president and officers of the Synagogue, to recite KADDISH on the anniversary of the death of each Joel Spigel and David M. Spigel, and burn a light for twenty-four hours, and recite KADDISH in memory of each during each recur-rent YAHRZEIT. The Four Thousand ($4000.00) Dollars shall be segregated by my executrix in the Citizens and Southern National Bank of Spartanburg, to pay for the work. I direct that my wife, Daisy M. Spigel, and the architect, who will make the drawings, and my attorney, Jesse W. Boyd, shall see that the work is done in a first class manner, and according to the purposes of this donation. I further direct that with these improvements an additional insurance policy of Four Thousand ($4000.00) Dollars shall be taken out on the building.

8. I will and bequeath to the Trustees of the Columbia Hebrew Benevolent Society of Columbia, S. C., in trust for the uses and purposes herein mentioned and upon each the conditions stipulated the sum of Two Thousand Seven Hundred Fifty ($2750.00) Dollars, the same to be paid to them by my executrix six months after the effective date of this Will.

Of this amount the sum of $250.00 shall be by them immediately paid to the Treasurer of the Society and the balance shall be deposited in the United States Postal Savings Department at Spartanburg, S. C., under an agreement that interest shall accrue and be payable on the 6th day of May each year, and thereafter the Trustees shall withdraw from the savings all accrued interest and $100.00 of the principal and turn the same over to the Treasurer of the Society. This fund shall constitute a benevolence to be used by the Columbia Hebrew Benevolent Society, and to be entered in a special book of the Society as the Spigel Brothers (Joel Spigel and David M. Spigel) trust fund, and shall be used by the Society to defray the burial expenses of such person or persons, if any, as they shall find to have died without assets, means, insurance, or relatives to provide a proper burial. In case no such instance is found in any year, the money shall be kept by the Society for use in the same way in succeeding years. All payments made to the Treasurer shall be kept by him in a special deposit account in The Citizens and Southern National Bank designated as Special Donation Collections in memory of Joel Spigel and David Spigel of Spartanburg, S. C. Payment to the Treasurer shall be continued as long as the conditions of this donation are complied with by the Benevolent Society until the entire $2750.00 is so used. (See entry of July 12, 1949.)

[NOTE: The drawings mentioned in Item 7 quoted above are not in Mr, Spigel’s estate file.]



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July 12 (Tues.)

The Spartanburg Herald, Wed., July 13, 1949, p. 3, col. 1

 D. M. Spigel

David Moses Spigel, 78, of 472 E. Main Street, died at a local hospital at 4 Tuesday morning following a long period of declining health and a serious illness of the past 2 weeks.

Mr. Spigel was born in Austria on Feb. 26, 1871. Before moving to Spartanburg 45 years ago, he resided in Greenwood.

He was engaged in the real estate business and formerly operated the Spigel Jewelry Co. on W. Main Street with his brother.

A member of Temple B’nai Israel, Mr. Spigel was a Woodman of the World and was a graduate optomotrist.

Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Daisy Mittle Spigel; one daughter, Mrs. Aaran(sic.) Sachs of Bessemer, Ala.; one son, Dr. Julian Spigel of Spartanburg; 2 grandchildren, Jo Ann Sachs and Joel David Spigel.

Funeral services will be held this morning at 9 at the J. F. Floyd Mortuary, conducted by Rabbi Samuel Wrubel. The body will be sent to columbia for burial.

Pallbearers will be: Bill Price, Harry Tanenbaum, Seymour Gray, Harry Sklar, Simon Hecklin, Jack Cohen and Herbert Shapiro.

Honorary pallbeareres will be: James D. Boyd, Jesse W. Boyd, Charles Drennan, Dr. W. S. Crane, John G. Galbraith, M. W. Meyerson, Bob Price, Dr. Sam Orr Black Sr. and Jr., Dr. H. S. Black, James D. Allen and Abe Morris.

The body will remain at the mortuary.


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Jan. 23 (Mon.)

The Spartanburg Herald, p. 1, col. 4

 Meyer Mallinow Dies at Baltimore

Meyer Mallinow, owner of the Southern Iron and Metal Co., died at 1 a.m. Sunday en route to attend a metal convention in Baltimore.

Mr. Mallinow was a native of Baltimore but lived in Spartanburg for many years. He was a 32d degree Scottish Rite Mason, a Shriner and a member of the Elks Club.

Surviving are: his wife, Sadie Mallinow; 2 sons, Irving and Stanley, all of 1055 Otis Boulevard and one brother, Morris of E. Main Street.

Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. in Baltimore. The family requests that no flowers be sent.


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Mar. 12 (Sun.)

The Spartanburg Herald-Journal, Sec. AA, p. 2, col. 3

 Rudolph Skalowski

Funeral services for Rudolph Skalowski, 72, who died Friday at his home, 641 E. Main Street, will be conducted today at 10 a.m. at the J. F. Floyd Mortuary, Rabbi Samuel Wrubel will officiate.

Burial will be in Goldsboro, N. C., beside his late wife, Mrs. Byrdie Edwards Skalowski, who died 5 years ago.

Mr. Skalowski was in the real estate and investment business.

A native of Augusta, he came to Spartanburg in 1905 and operated a jewelry store until 10 years ago.

Surviving are: a daughter, Mrs. M. B. Shanberg of New York City; one sister, Mrs. Rose Connart of New Orleans; one brother, Albert Stanley of Santa Monica, Calif.; one granddaugh- ter, Mrs. Beverly M. Zagor of New York City; and one great-grandchild.


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Mar. 9 (Fri.)

The Spartanburg Herald, p. 17, cols. 3 & 4

 Samuel Hecklin

Samuel Hecklin, of 729 Otis Boulevard, died at General Hospital Thursday morning at 10.

Mr. Hecklin was born in Russia and had made his home in Spartanburg for the past 45 years. He was a retired merchant and was a member of Temple B’nai Israel.

Surviving are one son, Simon of Spartanburg; three daughters, Mrs. Harry Smiley and Miss Sarah Hecklin, both of Spartanburg; and Mrs. W. G. Smith of Greensboro, N. C., and four grandchildren.

Funeral services will be held at the J. F. Floyd Mortuary this morning at 8:30 with Rabbi Samuel Wrubel officiating. The body will be carried to Columbia for graveside services in the Jewish cemetery at 1:00 p.m.

Pallbearers will be Harry Tanenbaum, Abe Smith, Mike Meyerson, Robert Gilpin, Sidney Shapiro and William Price.

The family requests that flowers be omitted.


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June 6 (Wed.)

The Spartanburg Herald, p. 2, col. 7

 Mrs. Rebecca Smiley

Harry Smiley of 747 Otis Boulevard has been called to Nashville, Tenn., by the death of his mother, Mrs. Rebecca Smiley.

Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon in Nashville.

Surviving Mrs. Smiley, in addition to her son, are two daughterrs, Misses Elizabeth and Rose Smiley of Nashville, and two grandchildren.


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June 19 (Fri.)

The Spartanburg Herald, p. 5, col. 1

 Frank Foreman

Frank Foreman, 64, of No. 10 Hub City Courts, died at his home Thursday at 4:45 p.m. after a long illness.

He was born in Nashville, Tenn.

Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Kate Nichols Foreman; one son by a former marriage, Earl Foreman of Dallas, Tex.; two sisters, Mrs. Sara Thriftman of Brooklyn, N. Y. and Mrs. Dave Schuster of Shreveport, La.; two brothers, Mose(sic.) Foreman of Greer and Sol Foreman of Chicago.

Funeral arrangements will be announced by J. F. Floyd Mortuary.

[Note: Mr. Foreman’s grave is the most recent identifiably Jewish grave which is marked in the Jewish section of Oakwood cemetery, Spartanburg, S. C.]


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Sept. 15 (Tues.),

The Spartanburg Herald, p. 2, col. 5

Miss Greenewald

Graveside funeral services for Miss Hannah Geenewald, 97, will be conducted today at 10 a. m. at the family plot in Oakdale Cemetery, Wilmington, N. C., with Rabbi Samuel Wrubel officiating.

Miss Greenewald, sister of the late Max Greenewald, died Sunday at 5:30 p.m. at her home, 573 Otis Boulevard, after a long illness.

Miss Greenewald was the daughter of the late Barney and Bertha Weil Greenewald. She moved to Spartanburg in 1886.

The family requests that no flowers be sent.


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June 17 (Thurs.)

The Spartanburg Journal

 Samuel Robinson

Samuel Robinson, 87, of No. 7, Branyon Apartments, died at his home Wednesday midnight after a brief illness.

He was a native of Russia, a retired businessman and had made his home here for 25 years. He was a member of Temple B’nai Israel.

Survivng are two daughters, Mrs. Pearl Bernstein of Spartanburg and Mrs. Fannie Frank of Rock Hill; two sons, Herman Robinson of Greenville and Irving Robinson of Chester; and nine grandchildren.

Also survivng is his wife, Mrs. Sophie Robinson.

Funeral services will be held in [the] J. F. Floyd Mortuary Chapel Friday morning at 9 with Rabbi M. Rubenstein officiating. Burial will be in [the] Jewish Cemetery, Rock Hill.

The family requests that flowers be omitted.


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June 18 (Fri.)

The Spartanburg Herald, p. 5, col. 3

 Samuel Robinson

Funeral services for Samuel Robinson, 90, who died at his home at Branyon Aprtments Wednesday midnight, will be in [the] J. F. Floyd Chapel Friday at 9:30 a.m.

Rabbi M. Rubenstein will officiate. Burial will be in Beth Israel [cemetery] at Greenville.

The family requests that no flowers be sent.

Pallbearers will be Ben Abelkop, Abe Smith, Sidney Shapiro, Harry Sklar, Barney Gelburd, Seymour Gray and Harry Smiley.

[NOTE: Notice the differences between these two obituaries.]


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July 30 (Sat.)

The Spartanburg Herald, p. 2, col. 3

 Mrs. Daisy Spigel

Mrs. Daisy M. Spigel, widow of David M. Spigel, of 472 E. Main Street, died unexpectedly at her home Thursday night.

Mrs. Spigel was a native of Newberry and was the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Herman Mitell.

She had lived here since 1904 and was an active member of Binai Brith [and] Temple {B’Nai] Israel.

She is survived by one daughter Mrs. Aron Sachs of Besemer, Ala.; a son, Julian Spigel of Spartanburg; a sister, Mrs. Rachel Pearlman, and three grandchildren.

Funeral services will be conducted Sunday at 9:30 a.m. at [the] J. F. Floyd Mortuary by Rabbi Samuel Wrubel. Burial will be in Hebrew Benevolent Cemetery at Columbia at 1:00 p.m.

Pallbearers will be Bob and Bill Price, Abe Smith, Seymour Gray, Lou Friedman and Sidney Shapiro.


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Dec. 21 (Wed.)

The Spartanburg Herald, p. 20, col. 5

 Mrs. Sadie Malinow

Mrs. Sadie Switzer Malinow of 1055 Otis Boulevard died at her home Tuesday at 6 p.m. following a long illness.

Mrs. Malinow was born in Gaffney, the daughter of the late Morris and Ida Switzer. She was a member of the Temple of B’nai Israel and the Sisterhood at the temple.

Survivng are: three daughters, Mrs. Daniel Horowitz of Washington, D.C., Mrs. Seymour Troy of New York and Mrs. B. A. Pollock of Atlanta; one son, Alex August Malinow of Tuscon, Ariz.; and three sisters, Mrs. Phillip Cohen and Mrs. Morris Goldberg, both of New York, and Mrs. Sam Goldstein of Charlotte.

The family requested that flowers be omitted.

Funeral attangements will be announced by the J. F. Floyd Mortuary.


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Dec. 22 (Thurs.)

The Spartanburg Herald, p. 12, col. 4

 Mrs. Sadie Malinow

Funeral services for Mrs. Sadie Switzer Malinow of 1055 Otis Boulevard who died Tuesday at 6 p.m. after a long illness will be held Friday morning at 10 at J. F. Floyd Mortuary conducted by Rabbi Max Stauber, assisted by Rabbi Sidney Unger.

Burial will follow at 2 p.m. in Lou Pollock Memorial Park at Asheville, N.C.

Active pallbearers will be: Bill Price, Lou Friedman, Simon Hecklin, Abe Smith, Ralph Becker and Jerry Meyerson.

The family requests that flowers be omitted.


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July 9 (Mon.)

The Spartanburg Herald, p. 10, col. 4

 A. H. Morris Dies At Home Here

Abe H. Morris, founder and president of Standard Cloak Co. here, died Sunday at his home following several months of declining health.

He was 80 years old.

He came to Spartanburg over 40 years ago and established his ready-to-wear firm. He resided on Rosewood Lane. He was a native of Tarboro, N. C. and was educated at Harves Military Academy at Washington.

He was a member of B’nai Israel Temple here.

Surviving are: his wife, Mrs. Jeannette Simmons Morris; one daughter, Mrs. L. B. Freedman of Spartanburg; one son, Mel C. Morris of Nashville, Tenn.; four brothers Lawrence of Rocky Mount, N. C.; Edward, Lester amd Irving [Morris], all of Tarboro; one sister, Miss Rose Morris of Rocky Mount; and four grandcildren.

Funeral services will be conducted Tuesday at 3 p.m. at the J. F. Floyd Mortuary by Rabbi Max Stauber. Burial will be in Greenlawn Memorial Gardens.


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Nov. 16 (Sat.)

The Spartanburg Herald, p. 10, col. 2

 Joe W. Wachter

Joe W. Wachter, 56, died unexpectedly Friday morning at his home, 647 E. Main Street,

Mr. Wachter was owner of Elliott’s Jewelers.

He was a member of B’Nai Israel Temple and was president of B’Nai Israel Congregation. He was also a member of B’Nai B’Rith Lodge.

Mr. Wachter was a native of Buffalo, N. Y.

Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Margaret Caul Wachter; two sons, Joe Jr. and Charles, both of the home; and two sisters, Misses Dorothy and Lillian Wachter, both of Buffalo, N. Y.

The family requests that flowers be omitted and contributions may be made to The Golden Book in care of Mrs. Harry Smiley.

Funeral services will be conducted Sunday at 11 a.m. at Temple B’Nai Israel by Rabbi Max Stauber. The body is at J. F. Floyd Mortuary and will be placed in the Temple at 10:30 a.m. Sunday.


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Oct. 28

Matthew Poliakoff died at age 60. His will stated that he wished to be Ainterred according to the rites of my religious belief.


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Mar. 27 (Sun.)

The Spartanburg-Herald Journal, Sec. AA, p. 8, col. 5

Mrs. Anna P. Reichel

Mrs. Anna Peschansky Reichel, widow of Samuel Reichel, of 1826

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